I still have to shop.

My appointment with the orthopedic doctor went well, though it was another $20 copay. He just examined my ankle, and had me stand on it, with my other leg off the ground. I then had to put all of my weight on it, and could barely do that. So because I wasn’t able to do that, he said that because my ankle is so weak, I need to attend physical therapy. So I need to remember to call the place either tomorrow or Tuesday to get some appointments set up. He wants me to go 3 times a week for the next 4 weeks. If I have to pay for each session, I might do one a week since there’s no way I want to pay $20x3x4. Then I’ve got another follow-up appointment on the 28th of January to make sure things are healing and going great.

Other then that I have not been up to a single thing. I’ve been off from work, and will be until Tuesday. Because of this long break, I have no motivation to go back there. All of the feelings of it being so monotonous and annoying are making me want to not go back. Earlier today I ended up re-applying to Office Max, and sent in new applications to Cingular and US Cellular. I’ve got a few more places to add to that list, which I’ll get to once I get this posted.

In other news, I’ve got a new design for Holdfire Network in the works. So far I’ve got a new logo finished (that people have loved so far!) and the design is coming along perfectly. I just need to get the rest of the backbone complete and then I’ll work on redoing the content and adding new things to it. I’m really excited about it, because the people who have seen it thus far (mainly my boyfriend, close friends, and Mint Pages members.

But how I could forget the best news of all?! I’m not single anymore. Trust me, I’m about as giddy as a girl could possibly get. The one thing I was putting off asking, was this, a relationship. I was thinking of asking Mark around New Year’s Eve (if we hung out), but last night he took the initiative and asked me out last night in quite possibly the cutest way ever. So needless to say, several things were updated to show my new status: In A Relationship. WOO!


  1. So happy to hear about your new relationship status! It sucks being in the “not knowing” stage!! And just in time for Christmas too! Hope you guys are really happy together!

  2. Hi. It’s been a while since I had the time to return your comment(s). I appologize. School, work, sleeping, and etc had to come first.

    So regardless. Thanks for dropping by and leaving me your cool comments. I appericated them.

    Merry Christmas and happy new year!

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