Happy Sweet Sixteen Morgan.

I don’t know how to feel about this, but my middle sister Morgan is sixteen today. It’s weird thinking that she’s now able to have a job, and drive a car. To me I still feel like she’s 10 years old, that little dorky kid that had yet to really blossom and stray from her tomboy roots. And now she’s in highschool, two years shy of graduating. Now thinking about that, makes me feel old and useless.

Yet I’m not that old. In two months I will be 21 years old, and with very little to show. Some people would think otherwise, but to me, I just don’t see that I’ve accomplished much. Sure, I moved out when I was 18 and was able to live life on my own, but here I am almost 21 and back with my parents. I really need to go back to school. I was leafing through the summer courses booklet, and found a few classes I might take. They’re either a 1 or 3 credit hour class, but it’s a class nonetheless.

Other than that, my weekend was very nice one. I didn’t do much, but Mark was over most of the weekend. Watched movies, cuddled, watched more movies, made food, and did other things too. I really love being around him, it just comforting being with him and having him in an arm’s distance. I also have this obsession with scratching the little beard he had going on, since he hadn’t shaved in a week. I hope he didn’t get rid of it, like he said he was going to do last night.

I miss that terd something awful already. Maybe I can entice him with brownies, to come over tomorrow night. Though these brownies will have to be the most amazing, melt-in-your-mouth brownies because the Dan Ryan expressway is essentially a nightmare and should be highly avoided. Maybe I can also seduce him with something else, aside from brownies, and remind him he can still take interstate 55 for a bit, and then just endure minimal traffic on Harlem Avenue.

If you click any of those links, you can get an idea of the area where I live at 😉


  1. Aw I know exactly how you feel about your sister. I have two younger sisters, one in her college freshman year and one that will turn 17 this year…and I still see them as my bubbly kid siblings. 🙂 Makes me feel old too. 😛

    And I also get you about the accomplishment thing…I’m somewhat lucky to be graduating this semester, but I really don’t know what I’m going to do because I don’t feel that I’ve done much at all to really deserve a good job in the field I want. I keep thinking I’m going to end up working somewhere random compared to what I’m “expected” to do, lol. 😛

    Ooh, brownies! XD Now I want chocolate, hehe!

  2. I’m turning 22 in August and it’s sad to say I haven’t accomplished much either, apart from my 1-year relationship with my current boyfriend…

    I know how you feel, about your little sister. I have a cousin who will be 12 years old this year, to me she’s still a baby, I can’t believe she’s starting junior high this year!

  3. I also have a younger sister as well. It’s hard to believe she’s 7 now, it’s as if she’d just been born yesterday. It’s really weird, so I guess I’m getting how you feel.

    Aww, how nice you got to spend time with your boyfriend. It’s always great to be around somebody who you are fully comfortable with and stuff. 😀

  4. I look at my brothers and feel the same. The second oldest is going to be in middle school next year, yet I still think of him as my “baby” brother and have a habit of referring to him as such. Growing up is scary… especially when it’s happening too quickly for someone else’s liking. 😛

    And brownies? I’ll take some of those, please. I loveeeeeeeee chocolate.

  5. I am 31, no boyfriend, not married, and work as a housekeeper. 🙂 Trust me, you have no reason to feel old and useless! LOL

  6. I know what you mean about little sisters. I still feel like my sister is 16 and she’s 20. It’s a weird feeling.

    And hey, you have your whole life ahead of you. Don’t feel down. I can relate though, I’ve thought the same way. But then I realized I did the best I could with what was handed to me and I still have a long way to go to accomplish more things. I know, easier said than done, though.

  7. Well, I only have one sibling… a sister 4 years old than me… so I guess, she feels the same way as you do about me.

    Well, most people feel the same way as you do – about what they’ve accomplished or have not. I’ve been feeling the same way lately – wondering about my life. But it’s time I stopped wondering and started doing something about it.

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