It’s rather apparent that I don’t care as much about this website as I used to. I just don’t have the urge to blog, and ultimately that’s probably going to be this site’s downfall. I’ve been debating on whether or not to keep this site up, but I’m sure I’ll stick with the latter. I suppose I just need to take a breath from everything else I’ve been working on, so I can spend some time on this site.
In other news over the past few weeks I’ve managed to build a new computer for myself, settle off some debt (I owed my dad $400), and of course gain some more clients and other work for a new project I’ve got up. There are a few blog entries in my drafts that I had started to talk about my new project, but I just never followed through with them. I think I’m just going to wait until I have the site up and running before I even worry about blogging about it.
Aside from freelance work, I’m still hopelessly a fan of Halo 3. I’ve even gone as far as contemplating joining a clan for it. Talk about geeky. 🙂
Everytime I get tired of my blog, I always end up keeping it. I guess there are ups and downs though and after a while, something fresh always comes. =) Good to hear you paid some debt and gained some clients. yay =D
I think many people have that problem every now and then. And just like Leann said, every time I consider closing down my website I decide to keep it because I’ve had it for over 4 years now. Good luck on deciding what you will do with the site. And it’s great that you paid off your debt and built a new computer. 😀
Nice to know that everything are getting okay with you, like you already paid your debt and even bought a new PC.
No kidding about the Halo addiction, you haven’t missed a BTB night yet, lets hope to see you there tonight.
Don’t worry about joining a clan though, I’ve recently joined a team, and we’ve been practicing pretty ‘badassly?’ for a few days, wish us luck on gamebattles =D.
Haha I know what you mean about drafting blog entries but never posting them. I do that too! 😛
Yay for having a new computer!