I think I have seen the. best. movie. ever. Tonight Mark took me out to see, 300. Though the article ‘300’: A Losing Battle in More Ways Than 1 from the Washington Post website does a fantastic job of describing the movies downfalls, and what the story really was. I’m a huge freak with Greek Mythology and History, so I loved the article, and albeit the movie wasn’t as good as it could’ve been, it was still amazing. And how could I pass up a movie with Gerard Butler?

hahah when i heard the phantom was in this, i started laughing. But i really want to see it as well, is it better than gladiator?
It depends on how you want to compare the two movies. If you want something that’s not based off of a graphic novel, and a little more true to history, then Gladiator is the better movie. But if you want something based off of a graphic novel, that is skewed history, then 300 is the better.
I loved Gladiator, and I loved 300.
All I know about that movie is that they did something for myspace so now I can have 300 photos on there. 😀
What’s it about, anyway?
Dude the wall of bodies was too funny. It is about a huge battle where 300 but you maybe only see 40 people fight a trillion people. Really intense battles. “Based on what you told me” I recomend this movie.
Ooh, Gerard Butler? I didn’t realize that he was in that movie… yummy. Dan and I should go to see it, soon.
GERARD BUTLER, oh my. My friend saw it and loved it, and at some point her and I are going to go. Some places have it in imax, mmm lots of yummy men uber-full screen sounds good haha.