A few years ago when I had been dating Antoine, he introduced me to Dead Like Me (official). We ended up the entire first season, and when it was over he told me that it had been canceled after season two and wasn’t going to be on air ever again. I was really sad to hear about it, because I really loved the show.

Meet Georgia Lass (who prefers to be called George). She is a young Seattle college dropout who is unhappy with life. She is always at odds with her mom, Joy. One day coming back from her temp job as a filing clerk, she is hit by the toliet seat of the re-entering Space Station Mir. Finding out she is now dead, she is recruited to become a grim reaper. As in life, she is a pain in the butt in death. She does not like the details of her job, and is always at loggerheads with her boss Rube. Her fellow grim reapers don’t really take much of a liking to her either. She also learns grim reapers don’t even get a free ride in death, as they must hold down regular jobs along with their death duties.
I recently remember the show when I read that they were doing a straight-to-dvd movie of it, AND because it was a featured item on sale at Amazon where each season was 60% off. Of course, the only reason I even went to Amazon was because an old account of mine on Blingo had generated a prize for me to accept.
You see a few years ago, a friend of mine had posted about Blingo.com and said that you can earn prizes by using their search engine (though I think it’s powered by google anywhere, but nonetheless.) I’ve won a few times there, namely Fandago movie tickets, but I got an email today saying that my referral won, thus I was able to pick out a prize too. It was $5 to amazon, or a fandango movie ticket. Since I don’t really go to the movies that much anymore, I opted for the Amazon ticket.
So there you have it. I ended up getting $5 off of my order, and got both seasons of Dead Like Me for only $30 including shipping. Woot!