Barnes and Noble or bust.

B&N finally called me back. Well, this time it was the NSO store manager that called me back. Said that my resume was forwarded to her by the SM that had already interviewed me a couple of weeks ago. I’m about to call her back right now, but I have a feeling I won’t be getting that Cafe Manager spot (even at this other store.) Hopefully I can still sneak into a management position for this new store. And yay! I love new stores. I have this luck of being hired at NSOs.

Hot Topic, Inc in 2002: New Store
Caribou in 2004: New Store
Best Buy in 2005: New Store

Well, off to make something for lunch and then call her back..

Still on the job lookout

Well, no luck with Cingular, and I honestly have no idea why either. I didn’t call to ask either so I’m not even going to worry about it. I still have to get ahold of the SM from the Barnes and Noble store to find out about the Cafe Manager position that I had interviewed for. I really hope I can at least snag that job, because then I’ve only got about a month or so until I can start (since he told me it was be late March/Early April.)

There’s a few places out here that are opening soon, or are hiring.. I guess it’s just a matter of me putting aside my pride (or maybe snobbyness?) and just send an application out there without judging it first. Though I am ignoring any and all food related jobs (aside from coffee places.) I’m not dealing with it, nor the shitty pay that most deal out.

Oh well, back to working on my layout.

Firemint – Fresh breath for your Firefox Browser

The other day I was on Mint Pages looking at a member’s WIP and happened to see an “Firemint” which described it to be a firefox plugin.

So I googled for it and found the link for Firemint. It’s current features include:

  • Show your Stats in the status-bar of your browser
  • Updates every 5 minutes (or up to ever 60 minutes)
  • Quick link to your Mint
  • Right-click on main stats to view other information

I installed it the other day, but honestly, I have yet to get it working with my Mint 2 installation. I have a feeling it has to do with the password; I’m having some problems with Mint right now, so I’m probably going to just backup the database, and then wipe out the directory to put up a clean install. Though I hope I don’t end up boogering something up, but if I end up starting fresh, oh well!