Money needs to grow on trees.

The new design for is coming along perfectly. I’m working on a few kinks right now, and then it’s off to work on how the pages, comments, and others look as well. I really want to get more customization done, so eventually when I release it as a theme, most of the work is already done. Though since I’ve never truly created a theme before (aside from tweaking a current one and essentially almost making it mine) so it’ll be a nice project for myself.

This weekend was pretty nice. Ended up going over to Mark’s house on Friday night and just played around on his Wii, and went to Denny’s for a late (late, late) dinner, or maybe it was an early (early, early) breakfast? Either way, I had a nice time as expected. Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon working on the new design and watching movies. Mark came over after 7pm and we picked up Chinese food, watched some of Big Fat Liar, The Prestige, and American Beauty. He ended up staying the night, but it wasn’t like it was much of a surprise.

I kind of like waking up wrapped around him. It’s nice. Didn’t do much of anything today.. We woke up around 2:30pm, after going to sleep around 4:30am. Ate some of the leftover Chinese food, played some N64 and Wii games.. and watched the last 40 minutes or so of the Prestige with my mom. Then he left me here to rot with boredom. Or not, but I can exaggerate.

Why I love TNT and TBS on the weekends.

Lately TNT has been the only station I’ve been keeping on whenever the tv is on. I usually end up watching Charmed from 3-5pm, Law and Order after that, and usually Without A Trace. After that I’ll change to either Spike or A&E where I’ll watch CSI (Spike) or CSI: Miami (A&E). That’s my tv schedule right there. I hardly ever watch any new seasons of tv, unless it’s 24 which is my monday 8pm show, or Thursday when I watch ER at 9pm.

Oh, but I can’t forget on Monday, the best day of the week. I get to watch X-Files (on TNT) from 11pm to usually 4 or so am. Yeah, I know, it’s horrible, but I love that show.

The best is the weekends though. TNT and TBS usually start airing all of their movies on Friday’s starting around 5-6pm, and that’s typically where I’ll end up (in front of the tv) if I don’t go out, or do anything when I wake up on the weekends.

Oh tv how I love thee.

Get paid to review my post, and join in on the fun.

I know you’ve seen my comments on various websites about how I felt about Payperpost, but I’ve felt like earning a few bucks, as well as getting up to 10 posts so I can add a second blog of mine. So anyway, I’ve been out of the loop lately, and just found out that people can get paid for reviewing posts of mine. I thought that was pretty amazing, considering it’s something easy and simple that doesn’t require much effort to be honest.

The new program of theirs is called “Review My Post,” which allows new members to sign up under a referral, and their first opportunity with PPP would/could be to review their referral’s posts. The new member is then paid (after their post is approved and meet requirements) for their review, and their referrer gets paid for that new member. Seems simple enough, doesn’t it? It’s a perfect blog marketing tool that will help increase traffic to websites, as well as earning money for you.
Continue reading “Get paid to review my post, and join in on the fun.”

Virb Invites

I have nine 5 invites left for Virb. If you want one, comment letting me know (and make sure your comment uses the e-mail address you want it sent to.) They’ve been sitting there collecting dust so I might as well just give them away.


I’m currently working on a new theme to put up, so hopefully I can get rid of this annoying one. I’m tired of how dark and bland it is. I might even turn the one I’m working on into a wordpress them after I finish it and get it up on my site; We’ll see though.

Finally I have some motivation.

I think my design block was mainly because of not having Holdfire completed and now that it’s all done, I feel refreshed. So I’m starting a new theme for my website. I think I might even just set it up so that it can be downloaded by others to go ahead and use. It’s been something I’ve wanted to do for awhile, so hey, why not? Now that I’ve got the other site out of the way, i can stress over this.

Still waiting back on Barnes and Noble. I’ve got a 2nd interview this Thursday with Cingular, but I received an automated e-mail yesterday that I need to have clarified so tomorrow I have to give them a call.

Saw Ghost Rider on Friday with Mark. That’s pretty much the extent of my weekend. I know, exciting.

I am also thinking about going to the 133rd Kentucky Derby in May, though I think I’d go at the end of April so I can catch Thunder over Louisville, the fireworks display which starts opening week. Though I know that homes and hotels are already booked, and I doubt any of my friends down there would let me crash at their pad (especially if I bring along people.) So I’m contemplating a few ideas right now, and that’s taking my parent’s RV down there and partying the fuck up. Of course we would have to find a campground, but it’s not that hard, it’s fucking Louisville, KY!

And holy crap, I was not expecting the KD website to look like that. I love it.