I think it’s safe to say that this weekend was my last weekend of “freedom.” I had four days off in a row (if you don’t count me going into work on Saturday for three hours, for my shift supervisor test which I got a 98% on!). I was supposed to go in on Monday for my interview with Best Buy but they were pretty swamped, so Andy the HT supervisor rescheduled it for today at 11am.
The interview definitely went well, and while I was spying on his paperwork I noticed that most of the questions I answered were marked with “exceeds expectations.” Quite awesome, but then again, I am pretty awesome so it’s expected. I go in again this week for my 3rd interview with the GM, and then hopefully next week I’ll be starting back up with BB. I’m happy because BB is one of the best jobs I’ve held, and I’m kind of excited to get back in the game with it.
I’ll be going into home theater as opposed to PCHO (Computers) or Wireless. It’s going to be interesting because I don’t have the product knowledge or the technical knowledge with TV’s and Sound systems but I can learn pretty quick. What’s awesome is that they don’t have to worry about training me for Care+ and various other BB elements. Andy also mentioned that my experience will hopefully be taken into account for a pay increase from what I was last making at BB.
The only hard thing is going to be juggling Caribou Coffee and BB since the hours are a bit weird. I might end up taking less Frankfurt hours, and keeping the Monday/Tuesday shift at Tinley, and get more hours at BB. Especially if I’ll get paid more. Eventually I’d like to go back to being FT with BB, since the benefits (and pay!) are a lot better.
Well, time to get going.. Just wanted to hop on for a bit before work, which is 2-9:30. Joy. I hope this store isn’t as dead and boring as people have been saying. If that’s the case, I might just bring a book with, and pray to god that it’s not that dead… Otherwise I’ll be begging Amy to hurry it up on the iBook so I can take it with me tomorrow, and hop on someone’s unsecured wifi to keep myself occupied.
Ohh, and I’ll be going to the White Sox game on Thursday. Definitely going to remember to charge the camera’s batteries before I go, so I can actually get pictures. ‘Cuz I definitely do not consider camera phone pictures to be pictures at all 🙂
Wow it sounds like you are definitely busy. I’ve never worked before. My dad doesn’t want me to work. Weird. I want to get a job soon, though. This one friend of mine used to work @ BB before he went off to college. Well, I hope all your plans work out!!
Yay, I’m glad that the interview went well for you – that’s very exciting. And what a boost to self confidence 🙂 Lol. I hope that you don’t have a difficult time juggling the two jobs!
Good luck on the interview, and go White Sox (unless they face the Yanks lol)
I just wanna start by saying I LOVE CARABOU!! lol, i’ve been a HUGE starbucks fan, but I got a new job about 6 months ago in our local mall and the only place to get coffee is Carabou, and i’ve found that I am in love with their smoothies. Our Carabou is a pretty buisy place. Its definatly not a job I would want to have and I have to respect you for working there.
I applied at Best Buy once and the manager actually yelled at me. lol. I work khakis and the manager felt that I should have been wearing dress pants. So she definatly made it a point to tell me! Needless to say… they never called me back and I didn’t waste any time waiting for them to call me back. Its one of my favorite stores though.
So, you have an awesome site. I LOVE the layout because its simple and its really sweet looking at the same time. Sorry it took me so long to comment. I got you monday for despair and just haven’t gotten around to the commenting. haha.
So, good luck with you jobs!! Send me some coffee 😉
Dude! I would totally kill to get a chance to work at Best Buy! Instead I am going to apply at SummitDirect, which is another computer wares/electronics store, only this one also sells refurbished stuff (good quality refurbished).
Goodluck and hope you get in! 😀
aww, you’re starting to sound like the “old’ jordan again and i mean that in a great way! i cant believe how busy you’re going to be with working 2 jobs and all that.
btw, check your LJ i made a comment on something that confused me and I’m still a little stumped! take care love!
Wow! a 98, that is really good! Im glad your interview went well.
congrats on the jobs, working at best buy would be awsome. Hope you have fun at the game.
Wow exceeds expectations! Lol i think you’ll get the job for sure – good luck and congrats in advance haha. haha did you notice – CC and BB? xD your jobs are cute. i want an iBook!!
My best friend is a huge white sox fan. She goes to their games all the time. For my son’s birthday, her and her mom bought him a white sox bib to try to “convert him”. lol.
Anyway, good luck! I hope you get the job at BB. I always thought it’d be really fun to work there.