I’m so tired of this design. I’m tired of seeing other sites that look like mine. So with that being said, I’ve got downtime tomorrow and will be trying to get a new design up. No more bright colors–I’m going for dark and dreary with a bit of bright. No more 100% width divs. I’m banning them -=|
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I look forward to seeing the new design — although, to be perfectly honest, I like this one too. 😛
You could always make use of some pretty photo you’ve taken. That’s bound to be unique because no one else will have taken that photo.
I know this urge to create a new layout because the old one sucks. Practically I could create a new layout every week, but there is no time for it.
While you’re at it, I need a new design for tutorialtastic, jemjabella is looking a bit worn and I’m turning my .net into a network site for all my subdirectories/etc.. and that needs a layout too.
Please 😉
I like the design here – it’s a proper design. Not just some images or colours thrown badly together. But I look foward to seeing something different as well 🙂
@Jem, if I do get some free time (which no doubt, I will) I wouldn’t mind just throwing together a quick wireframe together and/or a photoshop concept.
We’re one in the same when it comes to layouts; Lack the ability to have anything graphic-orientated and prefer to K.I.S.S. Makes it easier (and faster) to get new layouts up though! =P
I think you might have started a trend. They admire your work and wanna be just like you. 😀
What is wrong with Holdfire? I’ve been trying to access it for a few hours and it seems to be broken.
I love your layout, very cute! Cant wait to see your new layout when its up!
Banning divs?! oh my.
I like your layout, but your right, there are a lot of others like it out there right now. :/ I hope you come up with something truly amazing. 🙂 Good luck with it. 😉
Oh, wow. I was just thinking of making a new layout for mine! It’s been there for a while now but assessments rolled around. >
I like this design, but I can see where you coming from ,a change is always nice.
I actually like this layout, but then again, it’s the first time I’ve seen it, so I haven’t been looking at it all the time and haven’t gotten use to it. :]
I too am looking for change. I can’t wait to see the new layout! 🙂
nice to see that you like your site being original! 😛 i look foward to seeing the new layout soon!