Ever since the MyGallery exploit was made aware to me, I’ve been checking up on my install of Mint to see what’s been going on with some of the pages here, and it’s amazing how many people (mostly those that apparently don’t understand English) are still trying to access the mygallerybrowser.php file. The amount of people googling for the issue, and the number of people that directly come to this site by copy/pasting in their “hacking” url amaze me. I even went as far as putting up goaste on the page they’re trying to access but even that didn’t deter them from trying. It’s actually really annoying, because all of my logs are infested with this crap. Searches are almost 100% “inurl:/mygallery/myfunctions/” and same for refferals, give or take a few foreign hackingforums.
Seriously, the file. is. not. there. anymore. NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN! But I am half tempted to recreate those files and place a shitload of banner popup ads that’ll explode in their face when they access the page.. Actually, yes, that is exactly what I am going to do.
Edit: Let’s see if they like tubgirl.