Adsense vs. Payperpost

I know that most bloggers out there have pretty much tried every aspect of being able to earn money without actually having to “work” for it. People slap on the adsense script and hope that their visitors might click (be it accidentally or not) so they can earn money. The new wave have been people wanting to make money through payperpost.

I’ll be the first to admit that I tried google’s adsense, but I didn’t have it as the main “feature” of my personal website. I had it on a livejournal layout forum that my website had hosted–it made very little money, close to maybe $17.00’ish over the year it was up. That’s nowhere near close to what the payout is ($100).]

Granted I currently have just earned $2.50 (and paid out after the 30-day wait period) but I was paid for the single blog I had done. It doesn’t sound like much, but if you figure that there’s more then 20 opportunities to take, it’s a lot easier to make easy money through payperpost which takes a little effort to make creative blog posts, as opposed to slapping up the ugly script for ads (and who wants ads on their site anyway?)

I think it’s only logical that bloggers who receive upwards for 10,000 hits a day to use google adsense, as they’re more than likely to make more money with that amount of hits, versus a blogger who gets decently close to that in a month. Either way, I’m definitely going to hit up ppp some more just to have a few extra bucks a month.


  1. Ah, that’s very good to know, I wont waste my time w/ adsense then even though I use every other form of google tool out there. You’ve got some very interesting posts here, I shall return frequently.

  2. Heh. I’ve never had any kind of ads or anything on my blog; I’m pretty darn happy blogging just for the sake of it. That’s a good idea, though, with the Pay per post.

  3. I’ve seen some of those pay per posts, but I’ve never really understood what they were about exactly (besides the obvious allure of money). I think I might look into them, though I’d never want blatant advertisement on my site.

  4. I’ve never heard of Pay Per Posts. That sounds kind of interesting, especially considering you don’t have to put ugly ads on your site. I think I may look into that sometime. I could always use the money.

  5. I’ve seen a little bit about pay perpost, but I haven’t taken the time to really understand it (if that makes sense). I’ve always been a little ehh-ish about sites that offer money if you blog this or get users to join, etc. :/

  6. I’m not allowed to buy or pay anything via internet by my parents. It’s not safe. I don’t really like those ads, they’re just.. annoying. They’re ugly! And by putting those ads, I don’t think that people would click on the links.

  7. See, I’m of the opinion that if you need extra money you get another job, or waste less on frivolous crap that you probably don’t need (the term ‘you’ being used in general here and not you in particular, obviously). That said, I’m a blog snob, and hate to think that my usual reading material is going to be littered with crap that people have only said because they’re being paid to say it.

    Then of course there’s the logic that by commenting on blog entries adding my opinion on payperpost I could perhaps start a discussion that otherwise wouldn’t have occurred thus fuelling further interest in something that I’d rather see die off as quickly as it arrived.

    Ah, the moral dilemma I have arrived at!

  8. Jem, I completely agree with getting a 2nd job, or being more meticulous about your money as opposed to completely relying on PPP for money. My purpose for using it is to have a few extra bucks in my paypal, that I can waste on anything. It’s kind of like saving all change I get from tips at my 1st job, and using it later when I get to the point of a few hundred.

    I have to admit though, that I am kind of annoyed at the regular blogs I visit how they have become riddled with entries for ppp. It’s not even coy or nonchalant; It’s about the most absurd thing ever, and then you see the entry covered in links that are obvious.

    Me, I’m all about one link, and making it sure that I write something that’s intrigueing and not about how I’m trying to look for a coffin so that way people know what I wanted to be buried in.

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