How well do you know someone?

Today I was visiting someone’s site, and I was just browsing through the pages of their domain to see what’s what. I came across the “about me” page and immediately I felt like I wanted to just scream from annoyance and how absurd the situation once. This individual, Meng (linked so that others are aware of his fabrications) not only took the concept of my about me page, but even use my own wording, and used it for his own about me (mirror) page.

You might not see a few similiarties to my page now, but that’s because I edited it within the past two weeks, so now I’ll reference a google cache copy of my old page, which you can view here. Notice anything now? Yeah, I’m sure you do.

Let’s actually break it down so you don’t have to thumb between two webpages to see that Meng can’t even write his own quasi auto-biography. It’s obvious because he had to copy off of me (though I should consider this as a form of flattery?) and becuase his English for the sentences/parts he added in are so godawfully horrible you’d have to rethink that he graduated from high school in 2003, and he’s currently eighteen. Another fabrication, perhaps?

What I saw that started it all was the picture in a table, with some data on the right side. Yeah, it was just copied and pasted. Talk about being a lazy ass bastard that lacks creativity.

Now onto the biography he couldn’t even write himself, shame on you Meng.


Jordan’s (me) version

I’m a very simple person. I prefer staying in and having fun as opposed to going out and about and spending money. I guess I’m frugal with my money when it comes to play time, though I’ll waste it on necessities instead, heh.

Meng the illiterate‘s (sorry I’ll try to be nice) version

I’m a very simple person. I prefer reading a book and staying in as opposed to going out and about and spending money. I guess I’d rather spend my money on important things (anime/dvd/servers/donations.).


My version

I have two awesome parents who would do anything for me, well actually, that would be just my dad in that case. My mom is pretty stubborn when it comes to helping out her oldest daughter that’s independent. One day I’ll crack her though! I really couldn’t ask for better parents. Even though there were times we never got along, I appreciate every single thing I’ve ever gone through with them. It’s shaped and molded me into who I am today, as well as what I don’t want to be in the future (no offense to them.)

Meng’s version (haha, yeah.. right.. if you even call it another version :|)

I have two awesome family members who would do anything for me. My sister Ash and my cusin Lin .I really couldn’t ask for better family (the rest of my family disowned me). Even though there were times we never got along, I appreciate every single thing I’ve ever gone through with them. It’s shaped and molded me into who and what I am today, as well brought us closer togeather as a whole.


My version

Right now I work for Best Buy and Holdfire Web Hosting (though with the help of the ever so amazing Rem.) Out of all the jobs I’ve had (ranging from Caribou Coffee to Hot Topic to Target) I’d have to say that my favorite job so far is between Best Buy and Caribou Coffee. It’s the people I work with and the customers I helped out that really made the job enjoyable. I just recently transferred into a Houston Best Buy so I’m going to have to build new relationships and friendships with everyone, but I think it’ll be an experience and hopefully a good one.

Meng’s version

Currently I work for Transversestyles and Mixxture Network Out of my jobs I’d have to say that my favorite jobs so far are Transversestyles and Mixxture Network. It’s the customers I help that really makes the jobs enjoyable. I just recently transferred a new Server Rack into the Data center so I’m going to have to build new services with everything, but I think it’ll be a good experience hopefully.

The other ironic part about lying on the internet is that it’s so hard to find out whether it’s true or not. Thus why I’m currently waiting on an e-mail from James Tate [DBA Transverse Style]. And generally DBA means doing business as aka sole proprietary aka no employees.

I wonder if it’s the same case with his little project stylesmooth which he posts about here. Granted, he doesn’t actually say he created it, but it’s put under a Projects category, which has a post entry that has all of his related projects (or so we think) so his viewers would assume that he too is apart of this. Well, it seems like Mr. Meng has nothing to do with SS, and didn’t even try to tell his viewers when they commented in regards to it. Shame.

INCIDENT NUMERO CUATRO (thank you Mr. Carbajol for being such a hot Spanish teacher! It helped me remember the numbers and how to spell them sans accents.)

My Version

Aside from work I generally usually stay in. I’m not a partier. I don’t drink nor do I do any kind of drugs. Did all of that in high school and well, over the years I realized how stupid it was and decided never to get back into any of that. In my free time I usually almost always am online working on my websites, surfing random websites (well, okay dslreports, and various other forums are not random since it’s the same thing every day… haha), sleeping, working at BB, and hollar’n at Rem, because I think he’s cute and I like him. kntx.

I’m not sure what else I want to talk about, so I’ll just end it here for now. I might update this another time.

Meng’s Version

Aside from work I generally usually stay in. I’m not a partier. I don’t drink nor do I do any kind of drugs. Didn’t think that type of life style was for me. I realized how stupid it would be to become like everone of my friends (minus a few). In my free time I’m usually always online working on my websites, surfing random websites, sleeping, working at MN & EMB, and chatting with Brandy, because I think she’s beautiful and I like her. ♥ kntx.

(then add on some random bullshit about his internet friends)

I will be adding more soon…. just not right now Im going to end this for now

Looks like Meng is at it again. Check out his site right now, it states the the “wp-Maintenance plugin provided by Kelinna Software.” Well, you might want to take a look here. You’ll notice that this wp plugin is most definitely not provided by Kelinna Software, but by Michael Woehrer.

That wordpress-cut had a lot in it, so hopefully most of you read it. I was going to wait until Rem’s version got posted up but he was having some issues with his wordpress, so he’s delaying posting it until it’s fixed. I really wasn’t going to even mention it, but I decided to hell with it, and posted it over at Aerialle MB and figured if I posted it there, I might as well post about it here.


  1. Ugh, that’s just. Dude, that guy’s a fucking idiot. I mean, stealing CSS or coding, you can get away with. But if you fucking steal a bio, how on earth are you going to hide it?

    Does he think he’s so smart that just because you’ve changed it, he can use your old one? Does he think you actually wouldn’t notice?

    And about the thing, that’s just, seriously misleading. I bet he doesn’t really work for Transversestyles either. Bah, fucker.

    That guy is just so fake, it’s funny.

  2. i used to be friends with him, up until things started seeming a little off about him. i don’t know why i beleived a lot of his stuff, i guess i just figured he was telling the truth. he had me beleiving stuff about other people that weren’t true, tried to turn friends against me. he’d also hit on me constantly which seemed really pathetic at times. i have noticed similarities on his site that i’ve seen on other sites but didn’t think anything of it. now it’s all starting to come together now. he does seem fake. he’s also known for hacking people, so he might do that to people that don’t like him.

  3. First of all, I know being copied sucks. However there are other ways of going about this other than slandering a person.

    I just keep noticing that no matter what, you blog abotu drama Jordan. WHY?! Is it worth all the grief and agony of posting these hateful entries?

    Have you ever thought how he must feel? How bad this makes you look for posting this?

    I hate drama. So please can you put an end to it and move on? You’re bigger than this!

  4. [Comment ID #732 Will Be Quoted Here]

    You don’t even know him to begin with, so who are you to be bashing him, cusing at his name, and etc. You look just as bad right now, so next time, watch what you write. You never know who might read it.

  5. Where shall I begin Gregory?

    First of all, I know being copied sucks. However there are other ways of going about this other than slandering a person.

    Seeing as though slandering is spoken, I did not slander Meng. Nor was it libel. I was writing about the truth. My way of “going about this” was to post about it on my personal website.

    I just keep noticing that no matter what, you blog abotu drama Jordan. WHY?! Is it worth all the grief and agony of posting these hateful entries?

    Gregory, are you being serious? Apparently you have never read a single entry on my website. I have never posted “drama” before. I have one other entry that leans toward the case, but I was being icognito in regards to the topic, so essentially, it’s not drama. Except you were the one that made it drama.

    Have you ever thought how he must feel? How bad this makes you look for posting this?

    Honestly, no I haven’t thought about what Meng feels. I surely hope he feels like a coward for lying to people and for fabricating his life to those who trust him and other innocent by standers. I don’t look bad when I’m posting the truth about a liar.

    I hate drama. So please can you put an end to it and move on? You’re bigger than this!

    I don’t need to put an end to anything, as there is no drama here. Also, who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do? I mean, honestly, do you think I’m just going to drop my own personality and conform to how you think I should act? GIve me a break.

  6. Not intending to make things worse than they are I have to say that by posting this entry and then running over to the mb to advertise it was not simply a statement of truth but instead trying to start something. It is one thing to blog about an issue and another to post your opinion and run around the internet promoting it. I can’t say that your accusations are true or false and frankly that’s not my issue anyway. I’m sick of reading all this crap. So in the future if you feel the need to post your beef with someone please go right ahead and post it on your site but don’t run off to post it on a message board to cause problems. Thanks, Have a nice day.

  7. I have always been able to understand, to a degree, why a person would steal a layout or interesting content, but taking someone’s “about me” page is the low of the low. What a ‘tard.

  8. I am the author of the maintenance mode plugin that is claimed by this guy as his own. I will write him an e-mail and demand to restore the old footer.

    Jordan, can you please do me a favor and remove my email address (… from the above posting to avoid that spam bots get the address and put it into their spam databases. Thanks in advance.

  9. as tired as i am of this drama, i think jordan has every right to post this. i think stealing and lying about things all the time isn’t right, and the person should be called out on it no matter who they are. referring to michael’s comment above, how much more proof do you need that he steals things? really you must be joking if you beleive meng. i’ve tried to be mature about all of this, so i’ve deleted the blog i wrote about all this, although i still beleive it all to be true. he left me quite a nasty comment, (which i regret saving) attacking me for being american, my disability, proceeded to call me fat and ugly, among other things. if you’re friends with him and choose to beleive this crap, that’s your choice. but don’t bitch at me for pointing out the obvious.

  10. Sorry Jordan for coming off as an asshole. If someone was dissing you on the net, I’d stand up for you as well. So I’m no longer going to be apart of this. I appologize for my comment, my blog entry, and for being an ass to you. Thanks for your comment, and your opinion on the matter.

  11. [Comment ID #751 Will Be Quoted Here]

    Gregory, it’s okay, but you just have to realize that this person that you call your friend is lying about everything people thought to be true. Come on, you even posted a comment about him and stylesmooth!

    I’m not sure if you’re just in denial, but I can’t help but think why someone would try to “stand up” for someone that’s been lying to his friends?

  12. Well it sucks big to be copied but how many ways are there really to make a about me page.. We are all the same species and how much can there be to say about each one of us – and in how many ways?

    Anyway – the site is down so hopefully he will come up with something original 🙂

  13. [Comment ID #754 Will Be Quoted Here]

    Nan, I’ve got a mirror link up of his page. There are plenty ways to write an about me page if you’ve got a decent vocabulary that’s full of sarcasm, wit and some kind of elementary education >_<. I mean, how likely is it that someone is going to have the exact same experiences as me? I guess Meng should be lucky I didn't talk about my vagina or something, or people would think he's a hermaphrodite. Eeps!.

  14. I don’t really understand how anyone can doubt that this is true. I captured the mirror on my own accord before showing this to Jordan, so it’s not like she made the whole thing up.

    The facts are clear and simple to understand. Meng copied Jordan’s “about me” text verbatim, cut out details about her, and pasted in things about his own life.

    But that’s just one thing. If it were just that, it would be excusable to an extent. I’m not sure about Jordan but as long as he apologized, this would have been over in a heartbeat. But the problem is that he’s lied about so many other things as well.

    Meng lied about being employed by Transverse Styles.
    Meng claims that WP-maintenance was “provided by Kelinna Software”, which it clearly is not.

    How much more obvious can it be that he’s a scumbag?

  15. There is also this gem by Meng, as stated on his website:
    “I just recently transferred a new Server Rack into the Data center so I’m going to have to build new services with everything, but I think it’ll be a good experience hopefully.”

    How he did that is beyond me, as appears to be hosted on a reseller account provided by

    Want proof? Okay: resolves to IP address
    The reverse DNS of resolves to

    Now check out – namely their about page, located here:

    Brius is a Michigan based organization co-founded by Bryan Le and Dave Jakowenko.

    I don’t know what you guys have heard, but according to Meng’s site, he is located in Canada. The company Meng does business with is headquartered in Michigan. The server Meng hosts his site on is located in a datacenter in Dallas, TX.

    Has Meng been to Texas lately to transfer “a new Server Rack into the Data center”?

    I didn’t think so.

  16. i’m also really sick and tired of me being made out to be the bad guy and being blamed for someone else’s actions.

  17. [Comment ID #764 Will Be Quoted Here]

    I’m sorry the Meng has been harrassing you after this entry. He’s just doing this to you because there is nothing he can say to me about anything. Not only that, but if he tries to attack me it’ll just further prove what I’ve said.

    And he knows that people don’t like you, from various things that have been said by other people on the internet. So he’s taking advantage of this, and doing this to you. Because if you try to say something, he knows that most people will not believe you, especially ones that have been turned against you–so to speak.

  18. I currently own, and i would like if you didnt bring any bashing to my new site. im not saying you are, but please keep this inside your own site. I Never have had a problem with meng, hes a good guy to me and thats all i have to say.

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