I put HF on hold two weeks ago in hopes that it would be moved to another host/server, and open with a new design. Unfortunately my monetary situation did not look up like I had thought, and there has been a slight change of plans. Currently the redesign is finished, I just need to redo the pages for it, and create new packages. More space/bandwidth and a little more a month.
I’m also planning on leaving clientexec and switching to WHM Complete Solution. From the demos, and features available on their website, I’m in love. That and I’m tired of clientexec. I have issues logging in and I’m not as satisfied with their service as I was when I first got it. I’m also stripping 2CO and sticking with paypal only. No more e-checks/checks, money orderies, etc. Strictly paypal. Lower plans are also going to be yearly only, anything under 1GB space plan, is what will be yearly.
I should go finish that right now. I’m losing money not having it up. :
You’re welcome!
[Comment ID #36 Will Be Quoted Here]
you are welcome, buttface.
Good luck with it all. Your wordpress theme is spectacular!
I wish you all the luck with your hosting company!