Why my boyfriend is so much better than yours

You purchased 2 tickets for the 12:01 AM showing of HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX – IMAX on Tuesday, July 10, 2007 at Cinemark IMAX® Theatre, located at 6500 Route 53 in Woodridge for a total of $24.00.

Yes, it’s okay to go “uh” and sit there with your mouth hanging open. I, however, will sit here basking in the goodness that is having a boyfriend who understands my obsession with Harry Potter and is willing to go out to a midnight showing of it. Then again, I’m pretty sure it’s because he secretly reads all of the novels and would die if he didn’t see the movie the minute it was available in theatres–and not just ANY theatre though, an IMAX 3D* theatre!

* HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, from Warner Bros. Pictures, will be digitally converted into An IMAX 3D Experience®. Using proprietary 2D to 3D conversion technology, the finale of the movie (approximately 20 minutes) will be converted into IMAX® 3D.


  1. Oh how I would love to go to an IMAX teathre to see that movie! I can’t though, because the only IMAX teathre I know of is in the capital of Norway, and I live pretty far away from it. Count 10 hours with driving. 😐

    I checked my referrers today and couldn’t understand why I got hits from your index page, then I saw you linked me in the sidebar. 😀 Thanks a bunch!

  2. Since you can’t get to an IMAX theatre, you better just make time to go see it on a regular screen then! Even if the IMAX tickets were sold out, I’d still want to go see it either way 😀

    Yeah, the links are randomized, so that’s probably why you didn’t see it right off the bat ;P You’re welcome, by the way!

  3. *is jealous* I went to the midnight showing last year, I hope to go this year as well! Sadly it wasn’t imax but I bet that would be amazing. Your boyfriend = awesome.

  4. HAHA! Does your boyfriend even know that you know that he reads Harry Potter?
    I’m not really fond of Harry Potter, but everytime I watch it I’m freakingly amazed lol.
    Hope you have a great time there!

  5. Naco, the last midnight show I went to for a premiere was for Lord of the Rings: Return of the Kings. I never actually saw Harry Potter 1-3 in theatres, but I did see Goblet of Fire the day it came out. Almost didn’t because we were late for the original show we wanted, but ended up grabbing the one later in the evening.

    Sylvie, actually I’m pretty sure he’s never read any of the books, but you never really know! I will definitely have a great time. Thanks!

  6. I’ve never been to an IMAX or a midnight showing. You’re lucky!

    Also: I saw what you wrote about me in your sidebar. And all I have to say is: whenever there’s an online game for the Wii, I accept your challenge!

  7. My boyfriend got us tickets to the midnight showing of Goblet of Fire, and I’m sure we’ll be there at the midnight showing for Order of the Phoenix. We’re both huge Harry Potter freaks, and it’s the only movie we’ve ever gone to a midnight showing for. I’m jealous though, cause you get to see it at an IMAX theater. We don’t have any over here, but I’ll be happy seeing it on the regular screen anyway. 🙂

  8. @ Josh — You bet! I’ll also shoot you an e-mail sometime with my Wii code so we can trade Miis. That is if you’re up to it 🙂

    @ Lucy – I didn’t even care if it was IMAX or not, so long as I got to go to the midnight premiere. I just happened to luck on since he wanted to go see it IMAX! ^_^

  9. OOOOH! YAY! Sweet!! 😀 Sadness for me, I’ll have to wait until I get back from camp to go see it. 🙁 I can’t wait, I hope it’s going to be awesome! 😀

  10. I am so j34lous!!!! My mum won’t allow me to go to a midnight show; she says it’s very un-ladylike and stuff. But I’m going the next day! IMAX rocks my socks! 😀

  11. I’m not really a big fan of the Potter books, but I love watching them! My boyfriend doesn’t like it, but it’s okay with me since I got family who does. I go and watch “kid flicks” with my nephew and nieces. (Imagine my horror with the kids. The shouting and screaming never seems to end.)

    The Imax theater here in the Philippines sucks. The whole movie house is cramped. And I never really saw the need to watch only some parts in 3D. I could have appreciated it more if the whole movie was in 3D, but I think that’ll be bad for our eyes. lol

  12. Oh man, that’s the one reason why I’m glad I’m going to the midnight show. No kids will be there, at least that’s what I’m hoping. There’s nothing that pisses me off more when I go to a movie, especially if it’s really late (aka midnight) and there are kids there. talking. chewing on food. making some kind of distracting noise.

    When it comes to my Harry Potter I demand absolute silence! Although when I’m eating my Reese’s Pieces, it’s okay for me to make some noise 😀

  13. You have a sweet boyfriend. You deserve it though – I remember your cute birthday message for him here. Have a great night. I guess I will wait and watch it on DVD or something more naughty since babysitters are hard to find these days.

  14. hey hows it going very nice format and every thing on ur site any ways would you like a linkexchange.

  15. Al, no I’m not interested in a link exchange. I don’t exchange links–I only link to websites I visit and enjoy on a daily basis.

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