Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


All I can say is that this movie kicked ass. The 3D bit was pretty fucking awesome too.

I am just still annoyed at the few inconsistencies between the book and movie. I realize that a lot will get taken out, but the fact that they used Cho as the reason Umbridge found out about Dumbledore’s Army pissed me off. I also was rather pissed off that they didn’t have the fountain in the Ministry of Magic help between the fight with Voldemort, Harry Potter, and Dumbledore. With all of the shots that included it, I figured they would definitely include that with the fight scene. Apparently I was wrong.

Nonetheless, I enjoyed this movie. Except for Mark ruining the fight scene by saying “He’s so close I could kiss him!” and making me laugh my ass off.

WTF Google.

We’re sorry…

… but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.

We’ll restore your access as quickly as possible, so try again soon. In the meantime, if you suspect that your computer or network has been infected, you might want to run a virus checker or spyware remover to make sure that your systems are free of viruses and other spurious software.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope we’ll see you again on Google.

I have been dumped via internetz. Fucking google.

J.J. Abrams, you son of a bitch!

Last night a bunch of us went out to see Transformers and like most movies, I look forward to seeing the previews. Well, one of the previews for this movie was weird. It started off with a group of kids at a party, and the footage was from their POV since it was one of them recording it. Someone was leaving for Japan and they were just celebrating his departure.

Next thing you know you hear this ridiculous screeching noise, and then it flashes to them watching the news with updates on what’s going on. Then of course they go outside, and you see this gigantic fireball coming towards them, and then debris shoots their way. Next shot is them running around, flickering, screaming, then you’re out on the streets and hear people talking about it (“It’s alive!”)

The trailer ends with the Statue of Liberty’s head landing in the streets, and then it shows it’s release date of 1-18-08.

I actually remembered to look this up just now and have found a few websites that have come up for it, with the title and actual storyline still unknown. Most people think it’s a Godzilla movie, but basically it’s going to be one of those epic sci-fi movies.


I’ll keep this updated as I find more:
Untitled JJ Abrams Project
ethanhaaswasright.com – Solve the puzzle to see more info
Abrams-Cloverfield Gets Viral
– Crappy YouTube trailer; Hasn’t been taken down by Paramount yet
cloverfieldmovie.com (was redirected to Paramount’s website)
Paramount Rolls in ‘Cloverfield.’
Cloverfield-Ethan Haas Was Right.com Videos on YouTube
Ethan Haas Was Right Videos from .com website 1-5
Goddamn, I just fell sucker for Guerrilla Marketing. ASSHOLES!

Either way, I really want to see this stupid movie. Damnit, I got sucked into the vortex. Seriously. Want to see it. So bad.

Anyone else get a chance to see this trailer? Oh yeah, TRANSFORMERS WAS AMAZING. k.

…war came, no longer from the elemental nor from the star’s rain of fire. The world was again remade, and the glow was as the coming of the sun upon the Earth. The children of the gods were again too few, scattered and divided and among them walked the ancients and those whose thoughts were not as to the towers and the marvels, but to the End and the destruction of the Earth and to the fires from which nothing could escape.

I’ve got something brewing..

I will admit that I’ve had some ideas that were apparently destined to fail (see: stylevirb.com) however my creative side has been blessed with some will to actually start a new project. I think the main factor that will keep me active with it is the fact that it has potential to earn me money for it.

I haven’t started on it yet, though I did just settle on a name for it. I’ve got awhile to go since the latest release isn’t out and it’s senseless to work around with an older version. But I’m excited for it and Mark seems to agree. Now I just need to work on the initial design.. Let’s see what I can pop out.

Still waiting to hear back from the design firm in my area. Didn’t get a chance to interview with them last week, so it’s supposed to be this upcoming week. Just that the guy hasn’t gotten back to me, but I sent in a follow-up e-mail to find out. But needless to say I’m excited for it, and I really hope that it goes through as I hope it will.

And an update on my last blog about Primary VPS. My anger has subsided though I still am quite dissatisfied with their support. I have found another VPS host that I like so far, and am testing them out. Definitely am happy thus far because of the numerous add-ons that they include for free, as well as their overall design. I’m such a picky person when it comes to finding a web host, especially when I’ve been with the same one for over three or so years.