It’s time to cram!

Being a bit of a procrastinator I put off 4 major assignments for class that are due today at 11:55pm. Chapter 1-4 assignments have about 50 questions per chapter. I managed to finish Chapter 1-16 of the matching, but have yet to even touch my Qbasic, Word/Excel/Access and quizzes.

So instead of working on a pretty new layout for, I’m now trying to finish up these assignments for my class.

On that note I’ve had a pretty good week. Worked Friday night, then after that went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End at Hollywood Boulevard with Mark and his friend Tracy. Saturday I had to open but got off at 1pm, so I went on over to Mark’s later that afternoon for a few hours and relaxed and watch some tv. Then it was off to another friend’s house to watch Ultimate Figher Championship which resulted in way too much testosterone being unleashed by the guys that were there, as well as copious amounts of alcohol being consumed.

It was quite odd because last weekend I managed to finish an entire gallon of Barcardi Mai Tai mix and I was pretty, scratch that, horribly, intoxicated. Saturday I again bought Barcard Mai Tai, and managed to finish 3/4 of the bottle before I succumbed to being so drunk that the room was spinning, and I couldn’t really talk without slurring. I tried to watch The Zodiac but ended up passing out around 3am. Lovely!

I’ve noticed lately that the day after I drink a lot, I get the poops. I don’t get hangovers, and I don’t puke (I really don’t count a week ago when some Smirnoff Ice made me sick, since it was before I even went to sleep!). I get the shits. It started when Amy, Mario, and myself went out for breakfast. It just hit me out of nowhere and sucked because I have this irrational fear of going to the bathroom (let alone taking a dump) in public. But I sucked it up and went, because if I didn’t, I’d have shat myself.

Then Amy and I managed to head on out to the mall for a wee bit of shopping. I tossed out a good $100 on some much needed clothing. A cute hot pink swimsuit halter top, Dickies jeans, a star top and tank top, a sparrows (the bird, not the pirate!) purse, some undies, and a pinstripe skirt for a wedding that I’m going to with Mark.

Sometime after that I had to rush on out to Mark’s friends house for a bit of a party. Brought a long some beer brats, and pasta salads. Ate some yummy food, then ventured back into their house for some Guitar Hero playoffs. I really need Lasik surgery, because I totally blame my crappy scores on my eyes drying up and my contacts starting to pop out of my eyes. Lasik is the obvious means to being a Guitar Hero rocker.

Now it’s back to homework instead of procrastinating.

I changed my mind.

A few posts ago I mentioned I had turned down the job offer that I had received. I think I’m going to change my mind with the offer. I received another call last night from the Hiring Manager saying that he was sending me a link for an application to fill out for the background check, and subsequently starting the job on June 4th.

I sat around yesterday thinking and asking my boyfriend, mom and best friend Amy what I should do. My mom thinks I should stay put since I’m at a comfortable time with work and school. Mark mentioned that I’m enjoying school and that I should stick with it, because I don’t really need the money, it’s just that I want it. I can’t remember what Amy said about it.

But I’m stuck in a hard place. Do I remain working part time only able to have enough money to pay for little things, and having to save up for the larger luxuries (school included, since tuition for the fall semester is going to be around $900 before books), or do I go back to work full time making $34,000 a year (which can increase with added commission)?

This is going to be a tough one because I like working a few days a week, and having some days to myself. But then the other part of me wants to work a lot so I can bring in the money so I can get my own place, and other luxuries I want without having to wait to obtain it. Oh what to do…

Meng, Mike Hall, Mikey, Douchebag

I’m starting to love making fun of this asshole: The internet lets you lie, and How well do you know someone?. I came across a website ( that was talking about a “new CMS” called Wordsex, which I happened to remember reading about somewhere that this was one of Meng’s projects. So I decided to take a visit, and again, I brought the LOL.

I didn’t even have to scratch my head to wonder where I had seen this design from before because I knew exactly where. Last year sometime I came across a host that used as their designer, and since then I’ve been visiting it once in awhile to see what new concepts he’s come up with, because I happen to enjoy them. He does unique sites but still has the style that’s recognizable as his. Since I’ve seen that design before I went ahead and searched through his past clients, and Meng’s Wordsex design is identical to Loadingdeck’s template design for template #7. And with that being said, I’m sending an e-mail to the owner, Dan, to let him know about this so he can take care of it. I’m sure the website will disappear into oblivion much like any other domain Meng owns (if you try to check out, or they no longer work! HA!)

Oh, and in case you’re wondering how I know that Meng owns that domain, the DNS nameservers were pointed to, which is his old, defunct (and crappy) webhosting company, that is going to replace.

meng ripoff
meng ripoff

Thank you so much for providing me with this entertainment.

Edit 5/21/07: Well, he seems to have removed everything from the website, but I managed to save the page to my server for archival purposes. To view what was on, view _ Next Gen CMS.htm. Thanks Melissa for letting me know that it wasn’t up anymore.

Where’s my little umbrella?

Bacardi Mai Tai

I hastily deleted my last entry because I felt wrong about it, but tonight I hung out with a very huge bottle of Bacardi Mai Tai–and you know what, I drank the whole.damn.bottle. Let’s just say that it’s now 7:23am, I just got home about 15 minutes ago, and I’m still slightly drunk.

Tonight I really did drink away my emotions, and I probably cried a few times too. I also made my phone die from looking at it too many times to see if I missed a call from him.

Regardless, I had fun but I am vowing to never play Asshole ever again, and when I say I don’t want a shot of Petron (Tequila), I fucking mean it.

Now I sleep this shit off.