Trying to find a meaning

I’m not sure why but I’ve lost any kind of want to update with whatever is new in my life. I’ve opened up a new entry a couple times in hopes that something would come to mind, but each time I end up just closing the tab and leaving.

I’ve been working, going to school, and just enjoying my time. I turned down the job offer that I had. It’s a career that I don’t want, and yes the money would’ve been fantastic for someone my age, but you know what–I want to go back to school, so that’s what I’m doing.

Anyway, so much for having something to type about. I have work at 3pm, so I need to leave now though I wish I could just call off and not worry about it. I really don’t feel like standing around with my thumb up my butt for 6.5 hours.

Working on a topsite script.

I started to work on my own topsites script since I’ve been wanting to have one up and running for people to have fun with. I’ve gotten the main functions down (signing up, receiving referral link, votes and tallies) but now it’s a matter of working on an the backend for the topsites administrator and then the user backend so you can add an image, update information, and grab the url code. As far as stats go, I’m not that advanced in regards of how to output all of the tabular data.

This is just going to be really simple, and just something for me to work on and really get familiar with the whole process. I’m having a lot of fun with it too. =)

The internet lets you lie.

Almost a year ago I had to deal with an incompetant douchebag who felt it was necessary to completely rip off my autobiography and just tweak minor sentences/words to fit his life. I was slightly annoyed, but at the same time I thought he was just the biggest fucking idiot ever. And you know what, I still think he is.

I’ve noticed that whenever someone realizes that he’s a complete and utter fucktard, he’ll drop off the internet for awhile and come back with a new website. Brandy is his “girlfriend” (apparently they hadn’t talked to each other in almost a month–so honestly, that girl needs to get rid of this loser because if you go that long without talking and he’s not shipped overseas with limited communication, and you STILL stay with him then you need a reality check) and has dealt with some drama in regards to who he really was a few months ago. I don’t know exact details, but all I know is that I’m not that fucking dumb to let some internet boy run all over me and have your “friends” tell you to get rid of him but continue to stay with him.

Anyway, I happened to come across one of his websites, (I had bookmarked it when I originally found it) and noticed that he had images direct-linked and containing links that were from (Jem’s latest pants winner!). If you’re going to copy off people, you need to take the time to save the images to your own server (especially when they’re just the famfamfam set) and you need to especially remove the links (when the donate link goes straight to Gregory (contagious) and his paypal account!) I’m not sure how much longer that website will be available, but I saved it to my server, so if it goes down/gets removed, you can check out

So after I visited that website, I saw that the banner had “” in it and decided to visit that website. Low and behold Meng/Michael/Mikey (seriously, pick a fucking name and stick to it) owns this website. So upon checking out I noticed that he was talking of his new little hosting company, Being nosey, I checked it out but once I got to the packages I literally LOL’d. Why? Because he was using Holdfire Network‘s old hosting package page (especially what the accounts include). Lucky for him I know longer have a copy of that (I mean, why the fuck would I want to keep that shoddy design anyway, it was tables and looked like ass!) In case he removes that or changes it, you can check it out at

But apparently is not his website. Then why is the design the same on blt-tech as it is on, with who-is information listing as the nameservers which just happens to be his old (or current you can’t tell) “hosting company.” Not only that but the nameservers for prokrypt are through brius, who is hosted through. I’m not that fucking stupid “Meng.”

The best part? His contact e-mail after I left my comment:

Just thought id contact you about your comment on my site.

I didn’t do any of the pages, just the design so I’m not at fault for what happens there after.

and what images are my blt-tech linking from gregs site?


Other Data and Information:
IP Address:
Time Stamp: Saturday, May 12th, 2007 at 11:04 am
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/

Yeah, it’s okay you’re a complete and utter dumbass. I also wonder if he still “works” for Best Buy; Last time I checked he was living in Canada and working for “Best Buy.” Funny because there are no Best Buy’s in Canada (edit: Okay, so maybe there are but you know what, it’s Canada and nobody cares about Canada ;))–only Future Shops. Regardless, I think he’s worthless, but I enjoy finding out that he’s an incompetents liar and putting him on the spot. Seriously, you suck at the internet, “Meng.”

An overnight career change.

So tonight I’m supposed to think over and sleep on my wanting to embark on a new career that will start me off at $35,000 a year with the prospect of that being even more since the salary includes commission that has absolutely no cap. I think it’s safe to say that I am once again putting aside going back to school full-time. I’m really hoping that with this new job, er career, I will be able to look into getting an apartment again and getting back on my feet.

All I have to do is make the call tomorrow after 10am, and it’s final. It’s safe to say that I’m slightly nervous, yet excited for this opportunity.

I should put together surprise birthday parties.

Mark’s 25th birthday will be coming up in 22 more days. That means that I need to get my plans rolling and get things together for my little surprise (I can tell you right now that despite my title, I’m not doing a surprise party ;)). He reads my blog so I can’t go into detail publicly but I will be writing a passworded entry for those of you that might be interested (and I hope some of you are, because I would really like some input on what I’ve gotten together thus far.) So if you’re interested, just leave a comment here, and I’ll e-mail you the password I’m going to use for that entry. I don’t want Mark’s stinky butt reading it at all–even though he keeps saying that he’s read my entire livejournal where I’ve already posted about it a couple times.

Either way the few people I’ve told so far have loved what I’ve come up with, and I’m excited. I’m really creative, and I love going all out (especially if it’s for someone that means a lot to me–aww mushy mushy!) even if it’s not for a birthday.

Yesterday was a nice day and night. Work was fairly decent, albeit not busy but I had enough work for me to were I wasn’t standing around diddling my thumbs and wanting to ram my head into the wall. Though I couldn’t stop counting down the minutes until I could leave, get home and wait for Mark’s cute butt (no seriously, he has a cute patootie.) Dinner at Rock Bottom was absolutely delicious. It better have been though–dinner for 5 people was $150 not including tip! I didn’t drink too much, but my first official LEGAL drink was a “Sexy Bex”: an Orange and Raspberry Martini that was stirred not shaken 😉

After that all of us went back to my house, where Mark and I set up my new monitor and fiddled around with it. It was unbearably hot and muggy in my room to the point where I was sweating my butt off. Did the typical birthday deal of blowing out candles on a cake and then opening up my cards from family. Then ended up watching the Cubs vs. Pirates baseball game that was on tv. Pretty shocking, especially considering that I’m a huge White Sox fan, but you know what I’m the mature White Sox fan that will watch a Cubs game if it’s on. Okay, that’s a complete and utter lie. I only watched the game because Mark wanted to watch it, so like an amazing girlfriend, I obliged and watched without complaining (that is until I started to fall asleep during the 13th or 14th inning.)

I suppose I should go get ready now; Making my first legal appearance at a bar! Oh noez!