PrimaryVPS has the worst support ever.

I decided to try out a new VPS host, Primary VPS. They’re sort of cheap so I was hesitant at first because of that but since it was managed, and had a decent amount of disk space (logical ds) and bandwidth I decided to give them a go.

I ordered Direct Admin instead of cPanel since I wanted to try something new, and to play around with it. After I had my fair share of play time I decided to set up a domain on it. I created the nameservers and registered them with my registrar, and then set up the hostname with the 3rd party DNS that manages all of my other hostnames.

Then that’s when the problem started. The website wasn’t resolving to the server, leading me to believe that the nameservers weren’t propagating right. So about 48 hours ago I sent them a support ticket explaining the problem and asking them to look into it to see what was happening. Boy, was I in for the ride of my life.

I received a reply telling me “Our technical team will get back to you soon on this matter.” Alright fine, but I think it was pointless to reply within two minutes if you’re not going to contribute to solve the problem. Then I get a reply from a Viktor asking me questions that I answered in my original ticket to start the process.

Did you set up (nameserver here) and (nameserver here)t on both your VPS and with your registar as those IP’s? Then you set your nameservers to (nameserver here) and (nameserver here) correct?

DOH, What. The. Fuck?

Basically what happens is I reply back with intricate details and I go in-depth about it so they won’t have to ask redundant questions. This has been like that for over 48 hours now and I’m so pissed off it’s unbelievable. But you know what, I’m going to sit here and deal with it because I refuse to let them get away without giving me proper support and fixing this problem. I wanted to threaten them with a refund (and horrible reviews everywhere possible) but I am holding it all in.

I am going to harp on them about everything until I am completely satisfied. Though now I am wishing I went with cPanel instead of Direct Admin, because no doubt that this would’ve been resolved with no issues whatsoever. I guess I’ll end up forking over $10 for the license, since they can’t take the time to help me with an issue as simple as setting up A records on the VPS (because I can’t find anywhere in Direct Admin) since I don’t want to do it myself anymore.

I am going to make them wish they never started a hosting company offering managed VPS.

Adding freelance back into my vocabulary.

I’ve had a difficult time finding a job that suits what I want to be involved with. I no longer like the job I have right now, and the fact that I’m beyond part time is enough to drive me over the edge. Right now I am a possible candidate to freelance for a local web design firm. Essentially that is what got me to thinking that I should really dive back into freelance designing, since it’s something that I obviously enjoy.

Yesterday I spent the better part of my night e-mailing potential clients that were looking for web design services. Eight e-mails were sent out, and so far I had one reply back today. Though I really won’t go into it too much, but the reply I got back just screamed pyramid scheme. This guy wanted to start a click-and-mortar store on Second Life, and then I would go on my own to earn a substantial amount of money. I scoffed and then kindly told him I wasn’t interested, to which he then replied back trying to justify his idea. Eh.

Either way I’m actually working on a portfolio right now. Sad thing is that most of my work I’ve lost over the years from countless random reformats and the fact that I probably threw away my floppy disks that had some of them saved to. I’ve got a few I can salvage right now.

I also have an idea that involves and templates. I’m going to wait until Mark comes over to talk to him more about it, but I think that he’ll like the idea I’ll propose to him. Either way I really want to just get some work done to bring in money, and just have something to do on a daily basis, that I enjoy and won’t drive me absolute bonkers.

Soft serve ice cream sounds good right now

It’s been five days since I last blogged and I really don’t have much to write about. Though I did have quite the weekend. I’ll start off with Saturday, since that’s really the only day that was eventful from sun up to well beyond sun down.

Started off Saturday morning by waking up at 8:30am, so that I could be showered, hair dried and straightened, and at Mark’s house by 10:15am. Thirty minutes was to account for me being lazy, and probably checking my e-mail; Another thirty dedicated to moping around the bathroom trying to combine showering, and drying my hair then straightening it despite the fact that it would most likely get frizzy once I stepped out. Not much you can do when it’s about 95°F with humidity making it feel like it’s 100°F.

Surprisingly enough I actually made it to Mark’s house at 10:20. Fast forward an hour later and we’re shopping at Jewel’s for alcohol, bratwursts, buns, hamburgers, and other food for tailgating before Bus Mania!! at the Kalamazoo Speedway in none other than Kalamazoo, Michigan. Don’t forget that I live out in the Chicago area, so this wasn’t just any drive. It was a long drive with my stuck in a SUV? with three other guys… Three guys who probably could make me puke from just one stinky fart.

Oh but wait, you want to know what Bus Mania is, right? Well, prepare yourself:

“Bus Mania” returns to the Zoo! ….. No Weekly classes on this Saturday! Instead, get on out to this one, for the hottest entertainment spectacle in the state of Michigan, guaranteed! See Monster Trucks, Train Races, Rollover Contest, Trailer Races, Gauntlet Race, Bus Races and more Bus Races, Spectator Drags, Fireworks & more!!

There you go! Rednecks, hillbillies, cars crashing, and booze.. What more could anyone ask for? Seriously though, all jokes aside, I was skeptical about it at first, but after having half a gallon of Barcardi Mai Tai in my system along with some bratwurts (cooked on $3 “grills”) meant for an interesting time. I actually enjoyed myself. I enjoyed watching buses drag along old campers, boats, trucks, and watch them all subsequently get destrooooyed!

Oh, but I have to include that the best part of Saturday was being with my boyfriend. He asked me what my favorite part about Saturday was on Sunday night, and I said I actually really liked the monster trucks. He disagreed with my answer, so I said “the one where the driver was blindfolded and the passenger guided?” again I was told that it was the wrong answer. Apparently my favorite part was spending time with my boyfriend, according to none other than my boyfriend. Whoops? 😛

How I wish I brought a camera with. Then I’d be able to show you what I saw and so maybe you could understand just how much fun I had. Except the drive home sucked. I had a bad headache from the alcohol, extreme heat, and massive amounts of sun I had to deal with along with two other obnoxious drunks (though surprisingly my boyfriend wasn’t a butthead at all!)