He’s pretty fantastic.

The weather for the past two days have been amazing. Yesterday it was in the lower 60’s, and today it was in the mid 70’s. Gorgeous enough that for the first time since October, I retired [temporarily] my black sweatshirt that has been permanently glued to my skin. Other than that I haven’t been up to much, except just tidying my new room around.

Mark came over earlier today. It was a surprise because I hadn’t told him to come over, but around quarter to seven I got a call from the butthead saying that I needed to let him into the house in a few, since he was right around the corner. We just lazied around as usual, and watched some tv. Then we headed out to grab some ice cream from the Creamery, which opened up on the 9th. Came back home, and ended up watching Monsters, Inc.

As he was leaving I ended up putting on The Mothman Prophecies. Which was a mistake. Now, don’t get me wrong, I really love horror, thriller, and sci-fi movies but there are some out there that will leave me creeped out beyond belief and have me turning on lights before I go into a room. It’s played back-to-back so the second showing of it is halfway through. I’ve got the light on next to me, but I still can’t help but feel like someone is behind me, especially considering that behind me is the door to go outside, and there’s no shades on it.

I love it when I creep myself out. Hell, walking to the bathroom was a bit of a heart beat accelerator, since I had to pass by the patio doors (which hello, first scene of Scream!)

Halo 3 and God of War 2

Halo 3 and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed are two main reasons why I want to buy an Xbox 360. There are a few other games out there for the 360 that I’d buy as well like Gears of War, Viva Pinata, Rainbow Six Vegas and Call of Duty 3. Oh, and I really can’t wait to get God of War 2 for the PS2. It comes out tomorrow so I’ve been debating whether or not to buy it. I’ll probably wait awhile for it, since I really shouldn’t be spending the money.

That and I really want to be able to mod my xbox without really having to worry about using it as a gaming console.

Give them nothing! But take from them everything!

I think I have seen the. best. movie. ever. Tonight Mark took me out to see, 300. Though the article ‘300’: A Losing Battle in More Ways Than 1 from the Washington Post website does a fantastic job of describing the movies downfalls, and what the story really was. I’m a huge freak with Greek Mythology and History, so I loved the article, and albeit the movie wasn’t as good as it could’ve been, it was still amazing. And how could I pass up a movie with Gerard Butler?


My taxes for 2006 are done.

I wasn’t planning on doing them for a few more weeks, but I went ahead and filed them online already. Mark sent me the link to taxfreedom.com, which I had intended to bookmark, but I didn’t. I had to file for two different states, Indiana and Illinois. It wasn’t that bad, but it was just annoying having to worry about two different states. For my federal return, I’m getting back $438, for IN $129, and IL $5. Yeah, five.. dollars. It’s not a lot but I honestly don’t care. I ended up getting more for my Indiana taxes because I was able to enter in my rent details for the six months I was renting down there.

Either way it’s taken care of and tomorrow I’m going to mail them out (since my IN states couldn’t be efiled, I decided to just send them all out at once through USPS.) Tomorrow I also have my interview with Office Max that I managed to get on Tuesday. I had applied there back in December (when I still had a job!) before the store had opened but had never received a call back. On Monday while I was at my Barnes and Noble interview, I had a miessed call, and didn’t call it until Tuesday. It ended up being OM, so I called and spoke to a store manager and had asked if they were hiring and then mentioned I already filled out the app.

I’m not sure why I never got a voicemail when they called though. Either way I really hope things go well tomorrow. Mom treated me to some new clothes for the interview, and just in general. I picked up a few things at the mall and at Old Navy while I was out. Apparently my new pink is black and gray because 100% of the clothes I got where either of those colors. But I definitely love the new sweater hoodie I got ahold of, and another zip-up sweater I snagged on clearance for $19.99.

The moment we’ve all been waiting for.

Virb has finally been released to the public, and now has a fantastic index set up on it. If you haven’t joined it yet, sign ups are open to the public. Profiles are now able to be seen by non-members, so let’s see how long it takes before people start flocking this way. I know one of the groups, VIRB Suggestions/General Feedback has already had one member post asking for someone to tell them how to create/add a left column. Hopefully some of those groups won’t get hit too hard with help requests.

Anyway, here’s a shot of the site:


I love this place.